

Our students will become numerate individuals who are able to reason mathematically, make deductions and apply mathematical techniques to solve problems in their future lives. We will encourage confidence, enjoyment and challenge to all students in the learning of Mathematics, irrespective of prior attainment.

Head of Department - Mr Long -

Key Stage 3

What will I learn?  

In Maths we learn complex command words and subject specific vocabulary linked to number, geometry, statistics and algebra. We decode a lot of words in the English language to help our students understand that words can have a different meaning mathematically.

How it will support my SHARED character development  

Numeracy skills promote logical thinking, sequencing of events, solving problems, interpreting data.

How will I be assessed?

We assess in a number of ways. Within lessons we assess understanding using cold calling and instant feedback using mini whiteboards. Students are assessed using Azone tasks regularly. At the end of every topic students sit a short 20 mark assessment. At two key points in the calendar students sit an extensive assessment.

Why study this subject at KS4?

Maths is mandatory at KS4 as maths and numeracy skills are used by everyone everyday of our lives.

Key Stage 4

What will I learn?

In Maths we learn complex command words and subject specific vocabulary linked to number, geometry, statistics and algebra. We decode a lot of words in the English language to help our students understand that words can have a different meaning mathematically.

KS4 deepens the learning from KS3 and introduces complex problem solving topics to ambitiously challenge higher level thinking.  

How it will support my SHARED character development

Numeracy skills promote logical thinking, sequencing of events, solving problems, interpreting data. Independent organisational skills are also promoted along with a deeper development of analytical thinking.  

How will I be assessed?

We assess in a number of ways at KS4. Within lessons we assess understanding using cold calling and instant feedback using mini whiteboards. Students are assessed using Azone tasks regularly. At the end of every topic students sit a short 20 mark assessment to test topic understanding and skills. At two key points in the calendar students sit a full set of mock GCSE examinations assessment.

Where studying this subject can take you

Maths links to all Sciences A level Maths and statistics, engineering, sporting data analysis, population demographics, accountancy, economics, banking, investment and tax inspectorate.