Lightcliffe Academy is an ambitious, caring and happy Academy in the east of Calderdale. Our 844 pupils aged 11-16 come from throughout the local community to receive an education in which we work together to stretch them academically, support them pastorally and help them to develop socially and spiritually, as expressed in our mission statement.
We educate the young people entrusted to our care by giving them a high standard of teaching and setting them appropriate challenges throughout their time with us. We expect all students, whatever their ability, to work hard and achieve their full potential. We expect them to conform to our firm but fair framework of positive discipline, in which we encourage them to take responsibility for themselves; but we deal firmly with those who do not behave appropriately.
We nurture our students by providing them with a safe, caring and loving environment in which to develop in self-confidence and understanding. As we are a smaller academy with fewer students, we are able to provide a calm and safe learning space for all, including our most vulnerable students and those with additional needs. We empower our young people by giving them opportunities to recognise and develop their potential and to express this within the school and in the wider community.
The school’s staff do this in partnership with parents, the Multi Academy Trust, local businesses, the local authority, the local community and – most importantly of all – with our students. We know that we need to work together with respect, understanding and trust within the framework of our culture and ethos with a focus on respect, tolerance, dignity and service.
We will strive to ensure that the characteristics that define the school are: