In Drama, students strive to be the best they can be. In a calm, nurturing environment our drama department will bring out the strength and courage within all students to create the best artistic work possible. We will challenge all and provide opportunities which inspires the next generation of performers.
Through KS3 pupils will learn how the key skills of devising, rehearsing and performing are applied to different styles of acting. This will cover styles from the contemporary, as well as older styles such as Shakespeare.
Throughout this work pupils will need to use their oracy skills to discuss their work. They will be encouraged to speak like an expert and use the correct dramatical terminology when discuss and writing about their own work, and the work of others.
Students will learn to work collaboratively with one another, replicating the modern working environment. They will be taught to be resilient life-long learners through learning to refine and improve their knowledge and skills. They will study a challenging and ambitious curriculum that will ensure they have the skillset to succeed in the field of music.
Assessment will take place at the end of each topic. This will usually be at the end of each term and will focus on composition or performance skills. During each topic an interim (A-zone) assessment will also take place.
Drama is a creative outlet, and something that is enjoyed when we see performances on the stage and screen. Taking this subject at KS4 will allow you to develop the skills needed to be a creator in this field, giving you an outlet for your creative side. The skills you develop as an actor (e.g. time management, planning, organisation, etc.) are desirable to employers outside of the music industry.
Pupils will follow the BTEC Tech Award in Performing Arts. Learners will develop the skills and techniques used in different roles within the performance industry. This will develop how to contribute to the creation of a performance in either a performance or non-performance role.
Everyone taking this qualification will sill study three components covering the following areas:
Component 1: Exploring the Performing Arts develop their understanding of the performing arts by examining the work of performing arts professionals and the processes used to create performance.
Component 2: Developing Skills and Techniques in the Performing Arts
Develop their performing arts skills and techniques through the reproduction of acting and/or musical theatre repertoire as performers or designers.
Component 3: Responding to a Brief
Working as part of a group you will contribute to a workshop performance as either a performer or a designer in response to a brief and stimulus.
Students will learn to work collaboratively with one another, replicating the modern working environment. They will be taught to be resilient life-long learners through learning to refine and improve their knowledge and skills. They will study a challenging and ambitious curriculum that will ensure they have the skillset to succeed in the field of music.
Assessment takes place at the end of each component.
Components 1 and 2 are both worth 30%. They are assessed by completing coursework during year 10.
Component 3 is worth 40% and must be completed at the end of year 11. This is a mixture of work completed under exam conditions and practical drama creation.
Students can go on to study computer science at A-Level and then a wide range of university courses and apprenticeships thereafter.
Examples of career paths that could be followed include: